5 Best SEO Practices in 2020 to Stay on the Top!

04.11.20 05:48 PM Comment(s) By Admin BinaryClues

Google changes its practices, trends, and updates every year for optimizing the search engine results. This year, Google and other significant factors focus on most of the updates to bring better result intentions.

The search engine optimization waves are a broad term that is constantly evolving. It aims to modify the searches indirectly proportionate with the queries relevancy. But the question here is what SEO tactics can help to dominate the search engine result pages in 2020.

How in 2020, they will help in improving the rank over the search engine? 

So, here are SEO practices in 2020 to stay on the top.

E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness) 

The reputation of the company has a major impact on SERPs. But the majority of companies struggle to achieve the reputation online and witness the cut-throat scenarios of digital marketing.

Hence, it prioritizes to build the reputation of the website for achieving rank over the search engine. This E-A-T stands for the expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness of a brand, business, and website.

It will help to prioritize the reputation of the business website for ranking. However, the website should be secured and have engaging content.

Technical SEO 

Technical SEO is one of the biggest trends of 2020 that every Delhi SEO professionals need to focus upon. The snail-paced online business suffers ranking drops with UX surging up. So, here we need to re-evaluate the website with on-page optimization. 


The Google’s primary focus is rendering important information. So, Google launches its algorithm update, which is BERT. It helps in understanding the search better, and the whole focus is on understanding the context of the client queries.

One of the key prepositions under the BERT is "For" and "To." This will witness all the focus on the quality content and on decoding the search engine. In 2020, you need to grab the pulse of the searches and create engaging content, including relevant keywords to match the users' intent.

Mobile SEO 

Google, in 2020 switches its priorities by providing the mobile-first indexing that predominately utilizes the mobile version of the websites for indexing and ranking. If your website page isn't optimized for the mobile-friendliness and lacks the engaging content volume, the possibility is you will lose the rank over the search engine in both desktop version and mobile version.

Hence, your site must be responsive on all devices and highly optimized to rank it better over the search engine. 

Voice Search 

Google voice search is trending in 2020, and the maximum individuals try to type how you speak up on Google voice search and get the exact answer to the queries. Instead of this, you can highly optimize your website for long-tail keywords that maximize conversions and improve your revenues.

So, make sure that the website is entirely optimized for driving maximum traffic and for long-tail keywords. Also, making your content adapt according to the new conversational tends to stand out better on the search engine. This will help to generate more traffic on the internet in 2020 and turn them into potential buyers forever.

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Admin BinaryClues

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