As the name suggests , Predictive Analytics is based on statistical techniques such as data mining, Predictive modelling and machine learning and they analyze the historical facts as well as current ones to make better predictions . Identifying risks and creating opportunities is an exploited method used by predictive models to evaluate a particular set of conditions for better decision making among the transactions. Functional effects help in building a score for each set of probable customers, individuals, Marketers, employee , health care patient etc to determine , influence and inform organizational processes towards various threats like fraud detection and credit risk assessment .
Where is it used ?
Predictive analytics is beneficial to a lot of organization and the sectors which use it to their maximum usage are :
1. Actuarial Science.
2. Marketing and Business Management.
3. Retail.
4. Mobility.
5. Capacity planning.
6. Social networking sites.
7. Telecommunications.
8. Insurance.
8. Policing.
One of the key tools of Predictive Analytics is credit scoring which helps in bringing better insight about a customer's credit history , loan applications and other credits to rank them in order to predict the timeline of their initial and final credit payments.
How can we apply predictive analytics for lead generation ?
Not one , but many, there are many ways by which we can apply it but Binary Clues will try to explore the core areas which make it to the top of the list.
a) Introducing it to predict sales opportunities.
By running a campaign and obtaining the return on investment , Predictive Analytics can now make a move and according to the data provided it will inform you about the probable sales process likewise in the near future and how it is going to affect you and your company. This will also help you identify the ratio between the number of individuals targeted to that of individuals converted into leads.
b) For a better competitive approach.
By having all the necessary forecasts on your side , you can now take part in the competition with the big names already existing in the market and can reach out to people with better rewards and offers to turn them into the paid clients of the company . This will also help you garner a reputation of having a clash with big names which can draw more attention among the other service users who are in search of better services.
c) Usage of regression models.
Regression model is a valuable tool of Predictive Analytics and it helps in designing a mathematical equation about all the linear and nonlinear progression in the company. This helps in representing different variables at the mainstay and depending on this , various other activities can be counted in to convert more individuals into potential customers.
It is something that is so important to have , not only for lead generation software but also to see it as the starting strategy to open your box of tricks which can land you in the magic spells and then you can control everything from there , such is the intensity as explained by Binary Clues and it's experts . We hope we were able to guide you with the significant importance about what and how it can work as a boon for us.
It is something that is so important to have , not only for lead generation but also to see it as the starting strategy to open your box of tricks which can land you in the magic spells and then you can control everything from there , such is the intensity as explained by Binary Clues and it's experts . We hope we were able to guide you with the significant importance about what and how it can work as a boon for us.